
Control and detection of anomalies in real time

Improving the quality and standardization of the fermentation and maturation processes of wine in steel tanks.

Better decision making

Loss reduction

Continuous and digitized control

Tank status in real time

Monitor key parameters in real time such as temperature, humidity and volume.

Maintenance cost savings

Reduces time spent inspecting tanks. Keep a digital history of all your maintenance and actions on the tanks.


Constantly monitor the state of your tanks. Detects the presence of oxygen inside, an indicator of the possible proliferation of bacteria.

Smart Cover

Libatio's smart lid is a non-invasive device that is incorporated into the lids of steel tanks, making it easy to install without the need for a Wi-Fi connection.

All materials are food grade and comply with Spanish, EU and FCC regulations

Detection of anomalies on the surface of the wine

Wine Unveiled

Wine in correct condition

Wine with a veil

Contaminated wine

La ampliación y puesta en mercado del proyecto Libatio está subvencionado por la Axencia Galega de Innovación y cofinanciado con cargo a los fondos Feder dentro del programa Conecta Hubs. Los objetivos y resultados logrados gracias a esta financiación serán detallados aquí.


Fondo Europeo de Desenvolvemento Rexional (Feder)

“Unha maneira de facer Europa”

Programa Conecta Hubs: Nova Industria Galega resultou beneficiaria da convocatoria Conecta Hubs para proxectos colaborativos nas áreas estratéxicas dos Hubs de innovación dixital